Yet again I have ignored this blog for quite some time – I’ve been really busy with an implementation of a game involving a Haskell back-end/Google Web Toolkit front-end (more on this in a future post) and other deadlines. Anyways I thought I’d share more info on how 4Blocks’ AI was implemented using…
I’m a Windows user. I do dabble with a little Ubuntu now and then but most of the time since I am running around a lot: uni, work, flat, parent’s home, gf… I tend to stick to one platform. So I said to myself, I can’t work with Haskell the…
I’ve been wanting to write another blog post on the series on DSELs I’ve been planning, but I’ve been really swamped with work lately. So once more I’ll post a video or two on something I’ve been working on. It’s the 4blocks game again, this time playing on its own…
This week, instead of a post on DSELs, I’m going to show what I’ve been working on. It’s my first, real foray into Haskell: a game implementation. Some day soon I hope to make my implementation available on the Haskell libraries repository (Hackage). Thanks goes to the folk at the…
Hi to all, I decided to try once more at this blog thing. I want to share my thoughts with the people out there but it seems that I am able to do so in bursts, and random ones unfortunately. I decided to try once more, this time using WordPress….