Blizzard you had me sorely disappointed when I played Diablo 3. You had re-hashed Diablo 2 but forgot what the nice things about it were. I basically played it once through on Normal and forgot the game completely. Don’t get me wrong it is still a good game but the…
Shank is a 2D side-scrolling brawler and platformer which reminds me of the 2D incarnations of: Double Dragon Prince of Persia Metal Slug Ninja Gaiden all jumbled up together in a very awesome way. The story is quite cliche: you are a mercenary, Shank, who has lost everything and you want…
Vessel Vessel is a 2D puzzle platformer where the protagonist (you) gets to make use of a number of devices in order to progress. Each of these so-called devices are essentially puzzles which the game teaches you to use as you go along. The cool thing about Vessel, much like…
LIMBO is what every platformer should strive to be. Great story, eerie atmosphere, awesome animations and, above-all, mindboggling puzzles which when finally solved give you a great sense of achievement. My only grievance relates to a certain type of puzzles (not going to mention which so as not to spoil…
Lately, due to work and personal interest I have been experimenting with Unity. It is a very nice and simple 3D engine with a lot to offer in terms of features and capabilities. I am hoping that in the following months I will be able to use it in order…
Today I decided to try my hand at releasing a cabal package with the 4Blocks code. I finally managed: (I made a newbie mistake in 0.1 so please ignore that release). Unfortunately the library can be compiled only with, as far as i know: GHC 6.8.3 Gtk2hs 0.9.13 The reasons why…
Hi all! It’s been more than 4 months since my last post! I’ve been really busy lately creating a website for a game called Space Generals which we are going to use for our research in game AI. The game itself is actually a turn-based one much in the style…
Yet again I have ignored this blog for quite some time – I’ve been really busy with an implementation of a game involving a Haskell back-end/Google Web Toolkit front-end (more on this in a future post) and other deadlines. Anyways I thought I’d share more info on how 4Blocks’ AI was implemented using…
I’m a Windows user. I do dabble with a little Ubuntu now and then but most of the time since I am running around a lot: uni, work, flat, parent’s home, gf… I tend to stick to one platform. So I said to myself, I can’t work with Haskell the…
I’ve been wanting to write another blog post on the series on DSELs I’ve been planning, but I’ve been really swamped with work lately. So once more I’ll post a video or two on something I’ve been working on. It’s the 4blocks game again, this time playing on its own…