Tag : Gtk2hs

4Blocks Source Code

Today I decided to try my hand at releasing a cabal package with the 4Blocks code. I finally managed: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/4Blocks-0.2. (I made a newbie mistake in 0.1 so please ignore that release). Unfortunately the library can be compiled only with, as far as i know: GHC 6.8.3 Gtk2hs 0.9.13 The reasons why…

4Blocks in Haskell!

This week, instead of a post on DSELs, I’m going to show what I’ve been working on. It’s my first, real foray into Haskell: a game implementation. Some day soon I hope to make my implementation available on the Haskell libraries repository (Hackage). Thanks goes to the folk at the…